Junior Naturalists’ Portal

Our free Junior Naturalists Program is a chance for TFN Members ages 6 to 14 to explore nature through themed games, activities and hikes, and to make friends with others who love the out of doors. If you’re not already a member take a moment to learn more about the Junior Naturalists!

Our schedule and meetup locations are delivered to registered members via email. If you have misplaced a recent email, or require clarification, please email juniortfn@torontofieldnaturalists.org.

Upcoming Program

Children aged 6-14 are invited to join the TFN Juniors program. Every child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Events are monthly, usually on the second Saturday from 10am-12pm. We move around the city to enjoy the wildlife and discover new ravines and parks we may not have  explored before.

2024 events

September’s event will be posted in August.

To join these events,  please fill out a registration form. Before each event you will receive an invitation email with location details.

Latest in the Blog

TFN Juniors Practice Winter Tree ID March 18, 2024 - The TFN Juniors gathered on Saturday March 9th to explore ‘Winter Tree ID’’. It was pouring rain the entire morning, so it wasn’t a great day to be out in the field exploring! However, the Toronto Botanical Gardens allowed us to use one of their indoor meeting rooms –Studio #1. Lo and behold we were Read More

Check out all of the posts in our Junior Naturalists’ Blog.

Get outside!

Spend a bit of time exploring nature in Toronto with our Scavenger Hunt sheets!

Nature videos, just for you

Check out the video banner at the top of this page to view some of the fascinating nature videos we’ve discovered, or go visit our  Junior Naturalists Playlist on YouTube for even more great content. New ones are being added all the time! Subscribe to our channel now!

Never stop learning

Something make you curious? Check out our Resources to see if you can find answers!