Take Action

TFN empowers its members to Take Action in protecting Toronto’s green spaces and the species that inhabit them. Members of our Action Committee circulate important environmental news, create petitions, collaborate with other organizations to address issue of concern, and sit on numerous advisory councils, community associations, and stakeholder groups, helping to advocate for nature, raise environmental awareness, and inform decision-making.

Action Updates

Building Bridges for Birds: Sharing Toronto’s Shoreline with Shorebirds May 31, 2024 - With spring delivering a vibrant tapestry of shorebird returns, each embarking on its own remarkable journey, it’s imperative that we take proactive measures to safeguard their habitats and migration routes. While some transient species merely pause to rest and refuel en route to the Arctic, others nest as close as Toronto Island. Yet, despite the Read More

Your Fishing Lines Are Catching More Than Fish! May 24, 2024 - Discarded fishing gear is hazardous to various animal groups. Birds, turtles, otters and curious pets can be injured, trapped or drowned when tangled in fishing gear.  Birds, like the Great Blue Heron, can swallow hooks and lead sinkers, causing severe injuries and lead poisoning. They can also become tangled in fishing lines leading to starvation, Read More

The Dividends of Greenspace May 17, 2024 - Chances are, if you are reading this you don’t have to be convinced about the inherent value of nature and the importance of protecting it. But have you ever thought about the economics of failing to do so? That buzz you felt after your last visit to one of Toronto’s urban parks wasn’t just in Read More

Toronto Wildlife Centre Takes It Up An Octave: Reuniting Trumpeter Swan Soulmates! May 10, 2024 - In Bluffer’s Park, a local resident recently found a wounded Trumpeter Swan, injured by fishing line. She immediately contacted the Toronto Wildlife Centre, who were able to capture the bird safely for medical treatment. The medical team observed a cut on the bird’s beak causing the bleeding, which they cleaned and healed with specialized care Read More

Saving Nature: Begins in Your Backyard  May 3, 2024 - Embarking on a journey to aid nature doesn’t require grand gestures; sometimes, it starts right in our own backyard. With wildlife populations dwindling due to habitat loss, each of us has a role to play in nurturing our local ecosystems. One powerful way to contribute is by transforming our yards into natural havens, brimming with Read More

Looking for more action updates? Check out the Take Action category in the Blog.