100th Anniversary Celebrations Finished!

I still find it amazing that TFN has been around for 100 years. As we head into our 101st year, I would like to thank all of our members, volunteers and the board for their support during this past year as we celebrated our centennial. Last week we held the final event of our celebrations, Read More

DVBWP Prescribed Grazer Pilot Project

Have you heard the news? There will be goats grazing at Don Valley Brick Works Park (DVBWP) later this month! The City of Toronto’s Natural Environment Infrastructure Unit of Forestry is running a Prescribed Grazing Pilot Project at the site, and Toronto Field Naturalists have spent about a year now working with City of Toronto Read More

Centennial Butternuts

Back in October 2019, TFN began a program aimed at protecting and propagating butternut trees (Juglans cinerea, an endangered species) at our Jim Baillie Nature Reserve (JBNR). On May 6, in honour of TFN’s 100th Anniversary, our stewardship volunteers added seven new butternuts (certified and local to seed zone 37) to the growing population at Read More

Help Us Help Nature!

The mission of the Toronto Field Naturalists is to connect people with nature in the Toronto area. We help people understand, enjoy, protect and restore Toronto’s green spaces and the species that inhabit them. As a volunteer-run non-profit we share the desire to deepen the understanding of, and appreciation for, the natural spaces and species Read More

Community Stewardship Program Orientation

Interested in helping nature in Toronto by planting trees, pulling invasives, and the like? The City of Toronto’s Community Stewardship Program (CSP) is gearing up for another exciting year and TFN is thrilled to be serving as Team Leaders at two separate CSP sites: Cottonwood Flats and Humber Arboretum! If you are not currently registered Read More

TFN’s Trail Cam Pilot

If you didn’t already know, TFN owns and maintains 170+ hectares of private nature reserves & environmentally sensitive wetlands, protecting habitats vital to many provincially-endangered and at-risk species. We consider our stewardship of these lands to be one of the most meaningful ways that we deliver upon our mandate and are always looking to improve Read More

Come get your hands dirty helping nature!

Come and help TFN protect & restore habitat at Cottonwood Flats by planting trees, casting seeds, pulling invasives, picking up litter and more! TFN’s second year as Team Leaders of the City of Toronto’s Community Stewardship Program (CSP) team at Cottonwood Flats is about to begin and we’re excited for you to participate! You do Read More

City-Wide Celebration of Stewardship and Volunteering

Toronto Field Naturalists along with the Toronto Nature Stewards and A Park for All will be taking part in city-wide celebration of stewardship and volunteering event on Saturday, October 1st from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. The event will take place at the Middle Mill Stewardship site located at 44 Beechwood Drive, Toronto. This will Read More

Stewardship of Cottonwood Flats

On the morning of May 3, 2022, a dozen or so TFNers, City staff, and Community Stewardship Program (CSP) volunteers gathered at a scattering of armourstones in in the Don Valley for the inaugural session of something quite wonderful: a new stewardship team at Cottonwood Flats! For the last five years, TFN has led the Read More

The British Library Needs You!

The Unlocking Our Sounds Heritage project at the British Library is looking for Ontario naturalists to help enrich their wildlife audio collections! A set of 36 cassette tapes recorded between 2006-2007 was sent to the library, capturing the sounds of wildlife in places like Algonquin Provincial Park, Claireville Dam and Backus Woods. They’re now looking Read More

Toronto Field Naturalists wishes to acknowledge this Land through which we walk. For thousands of years, the Land has been shared by the Wendat, the Haudenosaunee, and the Anishinaabe. Toronto is situated on the Land within the Toronto Purchase, Treaty 13, the traditional and treaty Lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. This territory is also part of the Dish with One Spoon Wampum, a covenant agreement between Anishinaabeg, Haudenosaunee, Wendat peoples and allied nations to peaceably share the land and all its resources. Today, the Land is home to peoples of numerous nations. We are all grateful to have the opportunity to continue to care for and share the beauty of this Land.