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Red oak branch with acorns

Notes From Junior Naturalists Event On Oct 19th

Thanks to everyone who joined us for an exciting adventure exploring Garden seeds, tree seeds and dissecting acorns! Thanks to Monica and Vanessa for your leadership and input!! We played charades (wow, you guys were good!) to remind ourselves how seeds are dispersed. The Red Oak is Toronto’s unofficial ‘tree’. This is a year of Read More

Wilket Creek

Notes from the TBG Ravines Symposium

The fourth annual Toronto Ravine Symposium was held on Thursday, October 10, 2019 at Toronto Botanical Garden. Like previous years, the event drew roughly 150 attendees, gathered together to discuss and celebrate these amazing natural spaces. Unlike previous years, the symposium was followed the next day by an Urban Tree Workshop led by symposium keynote Read More

Two volunteers planting a butternut sapling

Butternut Tree Planting at Jim Baillie

by Charles Bruce-Thompson The butternut tree, Juglans cinerea, is a medium-sized native tree that can reach up to 30 m in height. It belongs to the walnut family and produces edible nuts in the fall. It is also an endangered species. Its numbers have been decimated by butternut canker, a fungal disease. This fungus has already had Read More

Global Bird Collision Mapper

The Connected Naturalist: Global Bird Collision Mapper

by Jason Ramsay-Brown TFN recently joined FLAP Canada and conservation groups from around the world in the Global Bird Rescue (GBR), September 30 to October 6. Bird-building collisions are the third leading human-related cause of bird death in North America, following predation by feral cats (#1) and free-roaming domestic cats (#2). According to FLAP, collisions Read More

For the New Don River, collage by Dalton Shipway

This Place: The Don River by Dalton Shipway

As a founding member of the now defunct Task Force to Bring Back the Don, Dalton’s connection to the Don River runs deeper than most. For over three decades he’s advocated for numerous renaturalization efforts along the river, including playing a pivotal role in establishing the “demonstration wetland” we now call Chester Springs Marsh. For Read More

Tree Swallow in Cottonwood Flats

Global Bird Rescue

TFN will be joining with FLAP Canada and conservation groups from around the world in the Global Bird Rescue (GBR), September 30 to October 6. This important international initiative aims to raise awareness about bird building collisions, and bring communities together to search for fallen birds in their neighbourhood, thus increasing their chances for a Read More

Close up of Don River

Lower Don Master Plan Refresh

A public meeting was held last week to present the Lower Don Trail Master Plan Refresh, an update to the Lower Don Trail Master Plan from 2013. The refresh dedicates a lot of pages to improvements in terms of accessibility, connectivity, and recreation. Strangely, however, despite the outstanding work done in recent years to create Read More

Monarch butterfly on Black Eyed Susan

Notes From Junior Naturalists Event On Sept 21st

Thanks to everyone who made it out to the TFN Juniors Butterfly and Hawk event at Rosetta McClain yesterday. We were blessed with perfect weather for enjoying the still very beautiful garden. In our opening activities, we had a chance to handle three types of hawk wings, and learn how Ontario butterflies, other than Monarchs Read More

TFN Finanicals prepared by Peter Hogg, CPA

TFN Annual Financial Statements Released

TFN Members are invited to review our most recent Financial Statements (June 30, 2019), prepared by Peter W. Hogg, Chartered Professional Accountant. These include our statements of financial position, fund operations and cash flows. Download 2019 TFN Financial Statement Read More

Tree Swallow in Cottonwood Flats

Give Nature a Voice this October

For the upcoming federal election, the environment ranks as a high concern. We in the environmental community need to engage right now, to grow awareness of key issues, to mobilize friends and neighbours, and to inform the debate. Here in Toronto, all candidates – and voters – should hear about threats to natural areas, species Read More