TFN’s Junior Naturalists Program is free for children ages 6 to 14 and provides learning experiences aimed at connecting youth with nature, helping them to understand, enjoy, and protect Toronto’s green spaces and the species that live there. Through hikes, nature interpretation, stewardship, hands-on activities, and games, Junior Naturalists explore all aspects of our natural world, learning to appreciate and respect our natural heritage.
Our Outdoor Program
Junior Naturalists’ enjoy monthly adventures in Toronto’s wilds. Previous excursions have included a bee watch in the Meadoway, tree planting in G Ross Lord Park, discovering fungi along the East Don, and tagging monarch butterflies at Scadding Cabin.
Our Online Portal
Junior Naturalists can continue their learning from home by visiting our online portal which offers them fascinating nature videos, downloadable brain teasers, printable nature scavenger hunt sheets, and much more, all made to inspire further exploration of nature in our city with family and friends.
How to Join
Register below to join the Junior Naturalists and receive details on upcoming events. If you have questions, email