The Meadoway

TFN Juniors on the Meadoway in Fall Oct 14th

The TFN Juniors enjoyed a wonderful morning Saturday Oct 14th, exploring the Meadoway in Fall at 19 Daventry Rd. So exciting to think of Toronto having this magnificent Pollinator corridor from the Don River to Rouge National Park. Our leader, Don Scallen brought  his Stickbugs for the kids to handle and taught us about spiders. Read More

“Then & Now” Photo Exhibition

Nature changes over time. Photographer members of the Toronto Field Naturalists (TFN) have been documenting these changes since the 1950s. In celebration of its 100th anniversary as a volunteer-run charity devoted to the conservation of Toronto’s natural areas, TFN presents historic photos curated from its archives paired with images taken in 2023 in the same locales by TFN’s current photographers. The Read More

Let’s ban noisy gas-fired leaf-blowers, to help wildlife habitat in Toronto

Toronto’s Infrastructure and Environment Committee will consider a ban on two-stroke small engines at its June 28 meeting under item 2023.IE5.1 We need your help: Before June 28, support a ban on leaf blowers by submitting a comment at this link Before the July 19 City Council meeting, email your city councillor to ask for Read More

West Don River in Glendon Forest

The latest episodes of Toronto Nature Now

Check out the latest episodes of our radio show Toronto Nature Now in partnership with CJRU. Episode 175: The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority A discussion about the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) covering it’s history, jurisdiction, and role in Toronto. Listen here. Episode 176: Biological Control of Garlic Mustard. An explanation on the Read More

New Episodes of Toronto Nature Now

Please check out the latest episodes of our Toronto Nature Now radio show in partnership with CJRU: Episode 166: Spring Ephemeral Plants Jonathan explains what (spring) epheremal plants are, some examples, how they come to be and some little (sometimes blue) friends who help reproduce them. Listen here Episode 167: Wildlife at Ontario Place Francesca Read More

Junior Naturalists outing on Aug 5, 2018

Upcoming Junior Naturalists Program

Children aged 6-14 are invited to join the TFN Juniors program. Every child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Events are monthly, usually on the second Saturday from 10am-12pm. We move around the city to enjoy the wildlife and discover new ravines and parks we may not have  explored before. Our program for Read More

Photography Group Highlights – Spring 2023

Our photography group is active all year long with monthly photo challenges, member submissions from these have been showcased in recent issues of our newsletter. Now that the group’s outings have started back for this year, we thought we would share some photos from the group’s spring outings. Enjoy and if you are interested in Read More

The Future of Parklands surrounding Ontario Place: Speak up on April 27th.

On April 27, 5:00 pm please speak up for nature at Ontario Place – in particular, the future parklands that will surround the proposed new development. A major redevelopment – featuring a massive (65,000 square metre) private spa – is proposed for the site by Infrastructure Ontario, on behalf of the province, which owns the Read More

The Future of Ontario Place – West Island: Public Parkland or Private Spa?

We have two opportunities to speak up for Ontario Place’s West Island over the coming days. A major redevelopment – featuring a massive (65,000 square metre) private spa – is proposed for the site by Infrastructure Ontario, on behalf of the province, which owns the lands. Many groups have raised concerns about the impacts on Read More

Toronto Field Naturalists wishes to acknowledge this Land through which we walk. For thousands of years, the Land has been shared by the Wendat, the Haudenosaunee, and the Anishinaabe. Toronto is situated on the Land within the Toronto Purchase, Treaty 13, the traditional and treaty Lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. This territory is also part of the Dish with One Spoon Wampum, a covenant agreement between Anishinaabeg, Haudenosaunee, Wendat peoples and allied nations to peaceably share the land and all its resources. Today, the Land is home to peoples of numerous nations. We are all grateful to have the opportunity to continue to care for and share the beauty of this Land.