This morning, CJRU 1280AM broadcast our 100th episode of Toronto Nature Now, TFN’s weekly nature show on Ryerson Radio! TFN Members Bruce Thompson, Paul Overy, Joan Lewis, Nancy Dengler, Richard Partington, John Carley, Jason Ramsay-Brown, Jonathan Harris, Ellen Schwartzel and Donnell Gasbarrini join host Bryce Turner to explain what nature means to them.
On behalf of our whole community, huge thanks to Charles Bruce-Thompson for managing this incredible project! And our sincere thanks to all of the TFN members who have contributed episodes since the series began:
- Agneta Szabo
- Anne Purvis
- Betty McCulloch
- Bob Kortright
- Charles Bruce-Thompson
- Donnell Gasbarrini
- Ellen Schwartzel
- Eunice Kariñho Betancourt
- Jason Ramsay-Brown
- Joan Lewis
- John Carley
- Jonathan Harris
- Mary-Kate Whibbs
- Nancy Dengler
- Paul Overy
- Paula Davies
- Richard Partington
- Sophie Breitbart
- Susan Grimbly