We hope all of the Junior Naturalists who came to Rosetta McClain Gardens on October 13th had a great time! Special thanks to TFN members Betty McCulloch for showing us how to tag, weigh, and age butterflies, and Bob Kortright for introducing us to the Hawk Watch, and helping us learn why birds of prey gather at the Scarborough Bluffs, and tricks for identifying Toronto’s raptors!
Keep on learning with the following:
- Rosetta McClain Gardens Raptor Watch site
- Audubon’s Identify raptors in flight
- Some of Toronto’s hawks, falcons, and vultures
- Sharp-shinned Hawk, Cooper’s Hawk, and Northern Goshawk (Hinterland Who’s Who)
- The ROM Field Guide to Birds of Ontario
- City of Toronto’s Biodiversity in the City Series
- Video: Identifying raptors