In a move that will prove devastating to species at risk, the Ontario government has just unveiled plans to severely undermine the Endangered Species Act.
Ontario Nature sums up the proposed changes as follows:
“If the changes go through,
- Species listed as threatened or endangered may no longer be automatically protected.
- The Minister will have discretion to interfere with the listing of at-risk species at his convenience, bringing politics into the listing process.
- Developers and other proponents of harmful activities will be able to “pay-to-slay” by paying into a fund to compensate for harming species at risk and their habitats (rather than providing an on-the-ground overall benefit to species).
- Southern Ontario species at the northern limit of their range may receive less or no protection, depending on their status outside Ontario.
These moves are regressive and dangerous. The world is facing the largest mass extinction since the disappearance of the dinosaurs. Yet the Government of Ontario has proposed to gut Ontario’s gold standard law, bowing to pressure from industry and sprawl developers.”
Learn more:
- Joint news release by several conservation groups
- Ontario Nature’s full statement
- Toronto Star summary
- Learn what thousands of Ontarians told the government just two months ago about its initial discussion paper on endangered species
Take Action:
The government has now given the public just 30 days to comment on the proposed changes to the law. The deadline for comments is May 18.
- Submit your comments with the Environmental Registry
- Tell Minister Phillips: endangered species are not for sale (Environmental Defence)
- Stop Ford’s Endangered Species Pay-to-Slay Loophole (North 99)
- Citizen petition (on
- Please also consider sharing your concerns with your local Member of Provincial Parliament
Stay tuned for updates on this critical issue.