Welcome to our final winter blogpost. Thanks again to everyone who shared amazing sightings with us. March is a wonderful month for waterfowl as the migrants that wintered on the Atlantic coast are passing through Toronto, while our own over-wintering ducks are still here. We are also seeing the earliest songbird migrants–special sparrows, that don’t stay with us for the summer and Grackles and Red-wings. What do you know–the warm weather of the last ten days brought out two overwintering butterflies–the Compton’s Tortoiseshell and Mourning Cloak and the migration has already brought us a Painted Lady. There are some other really great surprises in our show!!
Please note there is an ‘I Spy’ game halfway through and you will need a paper and pencil for that.
We know our native insects badly need native plants to get pollen and nectar. This is a site I wanted to share that is really helpful if you want to know what Ontario native plant to buy for your little corner. You can also order from them and they deliver to your door.
Finally I want to remind to sign up for the TFN Juniors Zoom Nature class starting April 7th. If you already have, I have it recorded. Our first class will be dissecting winter weeds. Bring your weeds (photos attached in the email), nature journal (if you have one, or piece of paper if you don’t) and pencil. I would like to plant some of these seeds, so bring pots and potting soil if you have them, as well.