TFN Juniors Fall 2022 Program

Hello TFN Juniors Members Looking forward to seeing you all at our fabulous Fall 2022 TFN Juniors events! We will meet monthly, on Saturday morning 10am-12pm. We are not always at the same location but  move around to see what the wildlife is up to and to explore new green spaces in our wonderful city. Read More

TFN Juniors January – March 2022 Winter Program

Hello Junior Naturalist Friends! Please join us on the following three Saturday mornings 10am-12pm for our Winter 2022 TFN Juniors’ Program! January 15th: We will meet at Tommy Thompson Park for a hike and Treasure hunts on the Spit. The goal is to reach the ‘Red Bridge’ — a lengthy walk, but folks can turn back Read More

Fall 2021

How exciting for the TFN Juniors to be back together sharing our love of nature and joining in cool games and activities. This blog is a summary of our Fall events till November. You will find a few references scattered throughout. These are available at the Toronto Public Library and they will allow you to Read More

TFN Juniors In-Person/Zoom Fall 2021 Saturday Mornings 10am-12pm

Hello Friends of the TFN Juniors, Super-excited to be able to meet in person again to explore and enjoy nature together, Fall 2021! We will gather as in pre-pandemic times, monthly, on a Saturday morning 10am-12pm for interactive activities, games and sharing  at various places around Toronto.  Please join us (kids ages 6-14, accompanied by Read More

Conclusion of Spring Nature Classes … and a look ahead

Hello Junior Naturalists, It is a month since the final spring nature class took place on June 9th. What a wonderful romp through Toronto nature guided by excellent folks with expertise on Bird language, Amphibians, Nature Photography, Nature Art, Dragonflies–the list goes on! And what a contribution you all made with photos and art.  Please Read More

TFN Juniors Spring 2021 Nature Class #9

Hello Everyone,  Thanks for all your contributions to make this another amazing slideshow. We are all learning so much from sharing each others’ sightings. Great to welcome Nick Ypelaar, one of the leaders of our in-person program and now a Park Naturalist at Awenda Provincial Park. I was very proud for him to see what Read More

TFN Juniors Spring 2021 Nature Class #8

Hello everyone, Thanks to everyone who joined us Wednesday and contributed to our sharing time and also drawing the Black Crowned Night heron with Sandra Iskandar.  Wow we continue to have some amazing sightings, and it is very special to be able to join you on these nature investigations. Please have a look at the slideshow Read More

TFN Juniors Spring 2021 Nature Class #7

Hello Everyone,  Thanks for wonderful photos from Greenwood Conservation area, and Tommy Thompson Park. So many different creatures we had the fun of seeing–birds nesting, mink scavenging for food, American Toads calling. Really enjoy sharing in everyone’s adventures and getting ideas of places to visit. Thanks for looking after the wild places close to your Read More

TFN Juniors Spring 2021 Nature Class #6

Happy for everyone who was able to join us for the 6th TFN Juniors Nature Class yesterday. Please find below a slideshow of photos of amazing things going on in nature right now. Wonderful to celebrate the songbird migration with Marina’s photos, and we loved how our class members were able to pinpoint differences between the Read More

TFN Juniors Spring 2021 Nature Class #5

Hi Folks, Great to see you all at the TFN Juniors’ Nature Class today. Thanks to everyone for sharing your nature adventures with us and contributing photos, art and information to the Slideshow. In our dramatic reading, you were all awesome as the Fawn, the Doe, the Buck and the Wolf. And you picked up Read More

Toronto Field Naturalists wishes to acknowledge this Land through which we walk. For thousands of years, the Land has been shared by the Wendat, the Haudenosaunee, and the Anishinaabe. Toronto is situated on the Land within the Toronto Purchase, Treaty 13, the traditional and treaty Lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. This territory is also part of the Dish with One Spoon Wampum, a covenant agreement between Anishinaabeg, Haudenosaunee, Wendat peoples and allied nations to peaceably share the land and all its resources. Today, the Land is home to peoples of numerous nations. We are all grateful to have the opportunity to continue to care for and share the beauty of this Land.