Montage from At Home with the Infinitely Unpredictable Cedarvale Ravine by Adrian Tenney

This Place: Cedarvale Ravine with Adrian Tenney

For some of us it’s a nearby bit of forest, where we wander past old, familiar trees, enveloped by the calls of birds and the ethereal strands of memory. For others the local park, with benches tucked in the midday shade, watching squirrels make preparation for winter. But wherever this place is, chances are you Read More

Trail in Sun Valley near Crothers Woods

TFN Petition: Adequately Fund the Toronto Ravine Strategy in the 2019 Budget

Do you agree that more needs to be done to protect and improve the ecological health of our ravines? On January 28th, the City of Toronto will officially begin its 2019 Budget Process. TFN has started a petition requesting adequate funding for implementation of the Ravine Strategy and insisting that these funds be used to Read More

Geocache in the Don Valley

The Connected Naturalist: Geocaching

by Jason Ramsay-Brown As the frigid air of winter blows across the city the inspiration to venture out in to nature is diminished for many of us. Naked trees, hibernating creatures, frozen water – there’s a stillness out there, beautiful in its own right, but which softens the siren call of our ravines, valleys, parks, Read More

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Kanopy Pick For January

Our first Kanopy pick for 2019 is “The Last Reef”, a stimulating look at the largest living structures on our planet. Take an underwater sojourn from the Bikini Atoll to The Bahamas and explore these vast “cities” of coral that habour some of the greatest biodiversity on our planet. The creativity of Oscar- and Emmy-nominated Read More

2018 Youth Summit participants

TFN Sponsorship of 2018 Youth Summit

It was with great pleasure that, back in September, TFN sponsored 5 of the 106 youth who attended Ontario Nature’s 2018 Youth Summit for Biodiversity & Environmental Leadership. Over that weekend, attendees participated in a wealth of activities and workshops, exploring everything from freshwater ecology to affecting political change. Our sponsorship touched the lives of Read More

Cormorant on the water. Copyright Zunaid Khan

Hunting season for double-crested cormorants

Devastated by toxic chemicals only decades ago, Ontario’s population of double-crested cormorants has seen substantial recovery in recent years. The Government of Ontario has put forth a proposal to establish a hunting season for double-crested cormorants (ERO 013-4124) which would let 50 cormorants be killed per hunter every day, with those cormorants killed being permitted Read More

Lion drinking from river © Isak Pretorius

20% off ROM admission for TFN members

Striking wildlife, breathtaking landscapes and the remarkable beauty of our natural world are captured in Wildlife Photographer of the Year. Until March 31, 2019, TFN members save 20% off ROM admission! Buy your tickets online and use promo code: TFN. Further, the ROM invites you to share your captivating images of the natural world for a Read More

Rouge valley wetland

Stop Bill 66

Ontario’s Open for Business Act (Bill 66) threatens our Greenbelt, sensitive natural habitat, and important farmland. Economic and housing opportunities already abound in Ontario cities and towns without the need to bypass protections afforded by important legislation like the Clean Waters Act, Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, and Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, all Read More

Winter Duck in Humber Bay Park East

Notes From Junior Naturalists Event On Dec 8th

Hey TFN Junior Naturalists – hope you enjoyed our trip to Humber Bay Park! Special thanks to TFNers Anne, Bob & Rachel for braving the cold with us to teach us all about this amazing place and the wonderful creatures that visit its shores! Keep on learning with the following: On the Wild Side: Winter Read More

TFN Kanopy Pick - Birders: The Central Park Effect

Kanopy Pick For December

While our Kanopy pick for December, Birders: The Central Park Effect, focuses on New York City, any TFNer could tell you that a nearly identical film could have easily been shot here in Toronto, substituting Central Park with Tommy Thompson, High Park, or our amazing valley lands. This film celebrates birder culture in all its Read More

Toronto Field Naturalists wishes to acknowledge this Land through which we walk. For thousands of years, the Land has been shared by the Wendat, the Haudenosaunee, and the Anishinaabe. Toronto is situated on the Land within the Toronto Purchase, Treaty 13, the traditional and treaty Lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. This territory is also part of the Dish with One Spoon Wampum, a covenant agreement between Anishinaabeg, Haudenosaunee, Wendat peoples and allied nations to peaceably share the land and all its resources. Today, the Land is home to peoples of numerous nations. We are all grateful to have the opportunity to continue to care for and share the beauty of this Land.