The great red oak on Coral Gable Dr

Coral Gable Red Oak still needs our help

Back in January we posted that the City had agreed to help protect what may well be the oldest and most historically-important tree in Toronto by purchasing a residential property on Coral Gable Dr., with the intention of converting the land in to a parkette. The catch? By Council’s direction, completion of the sale is Read More

Cucumber Tree

Ontario Government Opening Vulnerable Habitats to Sand and Gravel Operators

The Ontario government plans to open habitat of endangered and threatened species to destructive aggregate extractions in the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GCH). Ontario Nature has uncovered this change (hidden in dry technical text) and has stated in a letter to the ministry: “Your ministry is now proposing to undermine this higher level of protection by Read More

Important Survey on Ontario Conservation Authorities

The Toronto Field Naturalists have recently submitted comments to an online survey hosted by the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) about the role of our province’s conservation authorities (CAs).  But with numerous developer-sponsored lobbying groups pushing to limit the scope and mandate of conservation authorities, it is vital that individual Ontarians speak Read More

The great red oak on Coral Gable Dr

New parkette to protect Toronto’s Great Red Oak

On February 4, 2018, heritage tree advocates Edith George and Peter Wynnyczuk delivered their popular lecture What makes a Heritage Tree? The Case of Toronto’s Red Oak to TFN members (see page 6 of our March 2018 newsletter). At the heart of this talk was an amazing 250-year-old heritage tree located on Coral Gable Dr. Read More

Ontario Place – a place for nature?

Ontario Place has an iconic location on Toronto’s lakeshore, almost downtown. We have 155 acres of publicly owned land, with huge potential to be restored. Ontario Place could become a wonderful public space with many uses – with room for nature and natural habitats and corridors, right on the lake. But the future of Ontario Read More

Tree Swallow in Cottonwood Flats

Global Bird Rescue

TFN will be joining with FLAP Canada and conservation groups from around the world in the Global Bird Rescue (GBR), September 30 to October 6. This important international initiative aims to raise awareness about bird building collisions, and bring communities together to search for fallen birds in their neighbourhood, thus increasing their chances for a Read More

Close up of Don River

Lower Don Master Plan Refresh

A public meeting was held last week to present the Lower Don Trail Master Plan Refresh, an update to the Lower Don Trail Master Plan from 2013. The refresh dedicates a lot of pages to improvements in terms of accessibility, connectivity, and recreation. Strangely, however, despite the outstanding work done in recent years to create Read More

Tree Swallow in Cottonwood Flats

Give Nature a Voice this October

For the upcoming federal election, the environment ranks as a high concern. We in the environmental community need to engage right now, to grow awareness of key issues, to mobilize friends and neighbours, and to inform the debate. Here in Toronto, all candidates – and voters – should hear about threats to natural areas, species Read More

100 Debates on the Environment

As noted by Rita Bijons’ feature “An Opportunity to Build Environmental Leadership” (Toronto Field Naturalist, September 2019), the first week of October will be a critical period for environmentalists preparing for the upcoming federal election. During this time, over 100 non-partisan all-candidate debates on the environment and climate will take place in ridings across Canada. Read More

Trail in Sun Valley near Crothers Woods

Coming up around town

Summer is our time to kick back and enjoy nature! But let’s also mark our calendars for events coming up soon: Sunday, Sept 8: TFN Monthly Lectures begin with The Meadoway: Meadow Restoration Within Hydro Corridors. Emmanuel College, Room 001, 75 Queen’s Park Cres E. Doors open at 2:00. Monday, Sept. 9: Toronto’s Biodiversity Strategy Read More

Toronto Field Naturalists wishes to acknowledge this Land through which we walk. For thousands of years, the Land has been shared by the Wendat, the Haudenosaunee, and the Anishinaabe. Toronto is situated on the Land within the Toronto Purchase, Treaty 13, the traditional and treaty Lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. This territory is also part of the Dish with One Spoon Wampum, a covenant agreement between Anishinaabeg, Haudenosaunee, Wendat peoples and allied nations to peaceably share the land and all its resources. Today, the Land is home to peoples of numerous nations. We are all grateful to have the opportunity to continue to care for and share the beauty of this Land.